Kinds Of Viruses

Learn about Kinds Of Viruses. Viruses are made up of genetic materials such as RNA and DNA that are coated by a protective layer of protein. All viruses are microscopic and cannot be seen by the naked eye. Despite contrary belief, viruses are unable to multiply on their own. The only way they can multiply is by invading a host cell and taking control of its mechanism.  Viruses are dangerous because they have the ability to latch onto cells, invade them and reproduce in them. There are thousands of different kinds of viruses that scientists have identified.

Coxsackie A and Coxsackie B
Coxsackie A is one of the most common kinds of viruses that can be found in the human body. If it manages to penetrate the defenses of the cells in your body, you can suffer from herpangina, a disease which results a high fever, sore throat and ulcers in the mouth. Mouth, hand and feet-related diseases may also result from the Coxsackie A virus. This deadly virus can also cause meningitis and the common cold.

Coxsackie B is another harmful virus that can result in a lot of different health-related problems. If this particular virus manages to get into your system, you might suffer from Bornholm’s disease which will cause intermittent but serious pain. Myocarditis, pericarditis and meningitis are also potential results of the Coxsackie B virus.
Although there is no way to actually prevent these kinds of viruses to enter your body, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of such an invasion. Use disinfectants and wash your hands on a regular basis, especially before eating food.

If you have ever wondered what virus most commonly causes the menace that is gastroenteritis, yes, the answer is rotavirus. According to statistics released by the CDC, over half a million children die worldwide because of gastroenteritis caused by the rotavirus. Rotavirus also causes severe, often chronic, diarrhea among infants. The number of people affected by rotavirus has declined significantly since a vaccine was developed in 2006 that prevents the entry of these kinds of viruses into our cell network.

Hantavirus is one of many rare kinds of viruses that are carried primarily by rodents. Although this virus does not make animals sick, it can be fatal if it enters into the human system. Most rodents, particularly deer mice, carry the Hantavirus in their feces and urine. This virus can only spread from rats to humans, and not from humans to other humans. This dangerous virus can cause kidney failure, low blood oxygen levels (evident by blue skin), and ARDS.

Norwalk Virus
Commonly known as winter vomiting virus, the Norwalk Virus is similar to Rotavirus. It tends to cause gastroenteritis amongst adults and older children. The Norwalk Virus is extremely contagious and it can enter into one’s body from contact with another body, contaminated food or even water. This virus tends to cause intense stomach pains and as its name suggests, chronic vomiting. It is important to maintain a high level of hygiene if one wishes to stay free of such deadly kinds of viruses.