Kinds Of Lung Cancer
There are different kinds of lung cancer. Lung cancer, like any other types of cancers, is very dangerous and in most cases lead to death. Smoking is the major cause of almost 90 per cent of all kinds of lung cancer and they are also referred to as the bronchogenic carcinomas.
There are two main kinds of lung cancer and these are the small cell lung cancers and the non-small cell lung cancers. This classification is based on the outcome when these cells as observed under microscopes. These cancers come with different effects and thus the treatment given to each normally differ from cell to cell.
The small cell lung cancers form about 15 per cent of all cancers affecting the lungs. These kinds of cancers are characterized by rapid growth. Those who smoke are likely to have these kinds of lung cancer as smoking contributes to about 99 per cent among the many causes of lung cancers which have been examined. In most instances, they are normally discovered after extensively affecting a larger portion of the lungs due to their high growth rate. They are also referred oat cell carcinomas.
The non- small cell lung cancers contribute to about 85 per cent of all kinds of lung cancers. Just like other types of cancers, they are named depending on the kinds of cells the tumours grow from. The non-small cell lung cancers can be divided into three main types. These include the adenocarcinomas, the bronchioloa or the veolar and the squamous cells carcinoma.
The most common type of non-small cell lung cancers is the adenocarcinoma lung cancer cells. These kinds of lung cancer cells majorly affect the peripherals of the lungs. They are mostly common in United States of America. Smokers are more likely to suffer from the adenocarcinoma.
The bronchioloa is also known to affect very many organs of the lung hindering them from an optimal performance. They are known to affect the walls of the alveolar making exchange of gases across these walls difficult. This will always lead to various body tissues being deprived of oxygen as very little amount of oxygen will be available for consumption while on the other hand there will be a high accumulation of carbon IV oxide since very small amount of it will be excreted by the lungs.
The third category of non- small cell lung is the squamous cells carcinoma. These kinds of lung cancers are also very common and they affect the central chest region. These cancers are also referred to as the epidermal carcinoma.
The large cell carcinoma the rarely encountered kinds of lung cancer and they contribute to about 8 per cent of all the existing lung cancers.
The bronchial carcinomas forms about 5 per cent of all cancers and they are very small tumours with an average height of between 3 millimetres to 40 millimetres. Most patients who have been diagnosed with these kinds of lung cancer are below the age of 40 years.
Even though smoking is a chief contributor to most lung cancers some cases where cancers metastasize have also been witnessed although they spread at slower rates.