Kinds Of Sentences
A declarative sentence is simply stating something. There’s no question mark at the end even if some declarative sentences are structured like a question. The sentence is punctuated with a period. Most declarative sentences are statements of truths or facts.
Examples of declarative kinds of sentences:
The mountain is bigger than the hill and has more trees.
I will go out tonight with some of my best friends from collete.
Someone else will do the dishes for you.
The plates are clean and ready for use.
No one will ever understand how the world is related to the other plants in the cosmos, but we can always try.
An imperative sentence is used to give a command. It is usually punctuated with a period, but some sentences are punctuated with an exclamation point, particularly if the command is said in a forceful manner. Sometimes, the sentence starts with the verb, which simply means the subject of the command is the reader. This sentence is good for giving directions. The polite form of an imperative sentence is created by adding the word please.
Examples of imperative kinds of sentences:
Samantha, close the door gently.
Walk quietly.
Please talk softly, the patient is sleeping.
Go up the stairs and turn left.
Come here and tell me what happened.
Interrogative sentences are the types that need answers. Simply put, it asks a question. It is punctuated with a question mark.
Examples of interrogative kinds of sentences:
Who cage you those flowers?
What are you doing today?
Did you go to school today?
How do you know?
Why is the child crying?
Exclamatory sentences are used to express emotion. The structure can be like that of a declarative sentence. An exclamation mark is used to differentiate between an exclamatory sentence and a declarative sentence.
Examples of exclamatory kinds of sentences:
It’s not that way! It’s this way!
I don’t want to find out!
You’re doing it wrong!
I will never get this right!
This and that are not the same!
Sentences can also be classified according to the form of the verb used. In this classification scheme, a sentence can either be in the passive voice or in the active voice. In the active sentence form, the doer of the verb becomes the subject of the sentence. In the passive sentence form, the receiver of the action becomes the subject.
The following kinds of sentences are in the active voice:
The performers had danced in the show.
A rock broke the ceramic statue by the fountain.
The kinds pushed the boat out before getting in.
Sylvia, an adventure sports enthusiast, scaled the mountain wall using her hands.
Inigo cooked a big batch of French fries.
The following kinds of sentences are in the passive voice:
The spoon was left on the garden table by mother.
The glass of water on the sill had been smashed by a large tabby cat.
The small bike had been destroyed by the unruly kids.
The small, white fountain had been painted by pranksters.