Kinds Of Drawings
Read about kinds of drawings. No one can definitely depict the birth of drawing. But, it is effectively the simplest communicative tool used by man from the prehistoric ages to express their visual ideas about feelings, thoughts, beliefs and imageries from day-to-day life. In prehistoric times, man left carvings inside the cave walls and ceilings, on boulder and cliff faces and on the ground surface using different pigments like charcoal, natural chalk, kaolinite clay.
In modern times, these have been replaced by graphite pencils, crayons, pastels, markers, styluses and drawing paper or canvas. Drawing can comprise of sketch, cartooning, plan, doodling design, shading and graphic representation. Also, there are different techniques and methods of drawing involved. Here are different kinds of drawings:
1. Life Drawings are drawings that come out of direct observations. It can be categorized into two types- Still-life drawing &
Figure drawing.
a) Still-life drawing is where an inanimate subject, natural (plants) decorative or artificial (books, jewelry) is depicted.
b) Figure drawing is anatomically highly detailed depiction of human figures in different postures.
This kind of drawing is applied to cartooning and comic book illustration, portraiture, medical illustration and sculpture.
2. Emotive drawing details the mood, self, time, feelings and emotions portrayed generally on a human figure.
3. Sketching is an unfinished piece of art that comes out of quick, freehand and loose drawing, expressing thoughts of an artist impromptu.
4. Geometric drawing is usually mathematical in nature, heavy on lines and technical shapes used in the field of construction.
Here, it is quite noteworthy how all these kinds of drawings not only vary in purpose but also the message it has to convey. For example, as soon as a sketch is conceptualized, it can be documented whereas, for a geometric drawing, it takes a much longer period for the concept to be documented as it has to take care of all measurements and calculations. So, a geometric drawing is much labored and thought upon compared to sketch, which is of the moment. A geometric drawing is like a solved mystery, proved full and final whereas, a sketch has possibility and potential in it. The artist must realize the need of the hour and know the result of his effort and accordingly use the appropriate method to bear the optimum result.
5. Analytic drawing is a realistic and detailed kind of drawing of an artist for clear expression of his observation. It portrays minute detailing of the human anatomy, shape, size and depth of an object etc.
6. Perspective drawing is a graphical art in which, on a two-dimensional surface (like a paper), a three dimensional image as it is seen by human eye is depicted approximately. It represents space, volume, distance, surface planes, light and scale, as seen by human eye from a particular level.
7. A diagrammatic drawing is a term used in reference to a sketch, a plan, a chart or a graphical representation of something. Diagrams are created to express possibilities of event to occur in the immediate future.
8. Illustration drawings are those kinds of drawings which clearly state, explains and furnish intent, style, size, color and character, effect in order to illustrate a sensual message or give a feel of it.