Kinds Of Carpet
Read about and discuss the kinds of carpet. Among the various objects used to fashion an interior design, the various kinds of carpets hold a unique place. A carpet is used to add a sense of warmth in a house; to reflect its owners taste, or his psychological make-up. Certain kinds of carpets might sometimes make a physical space look impressive and imposing, while other times it may give off a sense of playfulness, or a delicate nostalgia of the past; different kinds of carpets for different kinds of moods. Therefore, buying a carpet might not be as easy a task as it seems, since a carpet must combine durability, aesthetic validity, and of course value for money. Nowadays, two kinds of carpets are available in the market: industrial and handmade carpets.
The first of the two kinds of carpets is widely used, since industrial carpets are available in many colors, designs, shapes and sizes. Moreover, their mass production significantly lowers the cost, making them the number one choice for most consumers, who are looking for a cheap solution for their homes or offices; plus in the event of physical wearing or of damage, the low price of industrial carpets makes them easily replaceable.
As for the second kind of carpets, those that are handmade, they are usually considered a work of art, and that is why they retain their glory and allure. Handmade are high-quality carpets, which stand out for their unique design and extraordinary weaving techniques. Such traditional techniques have originated from Eastern people and go way back in time; centuries of weaving tradition forming a cultural heritage. Even in today’s world, it is no coincidence that the largest centers producing various kinds of carpets are in Iran (Persia in the past), in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, India, Nepal, Caucasus, with Persian carpets being rightfully on top of this list. What makes such carpets special, is that Easterners managed to instill in them human-like feelings such as happiness or sorrow, pain, love, or lust. Creating such a work of art takes time and it demands a passionate commitment on the manufacturer’s part. In order to make a handmade kind of carpet, one needs to follow a four-year process. Its perfection depends on the manufacturer’s mastery of his craft, the quality of the material used, as well as the number of knots.
Traditionally the material used varies between wool, cotton and silk, which is without doubt the most pricy and expensive carpet material on the market. Besides the impressive manufacturing techniques and the cultural tradition, handmade carpets are far better than any industrial kind of carpet, because they persist through time. Compared to an industrial carpet, which, becomes a rug soon after it’s bought, a handmade one gains more and more glow as time passes by.
In the modern age of contradiction, of technological advancement, of industrial automatization, of the compartmentalization of knowledge, and of globalization, the only thing that is given generously to people is choice. The choice between what’s new and attractive – until something newer and more attractive comes to replace it – and what is old-fashioned, traditional, and authentic. The same happens with the two kinds of carpets mentioned above, and it is precisely this kind of choice that we are asked to make when buying one.